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Friday, September 14, 2007

I Will Not Cry Tonight

Ha...It's hard for me to look back at some of my high school poems, love letters and all the other "But I love him" stuff. I remember being in middle school and high school and as long as you were 'seeing' someone one you were considered to be dating and then if you were together for more than 2 weeks you were in love....and OMG- think back...how many people were you going to marry? LMAO! I so remember like 5 guys that I was so going to marry! Looking back now it's hard to see how I could even kiss them much less marry them! It's so funny when I think back about the guys I dated. Well let me re-phrase that, seeing them. When I was young I would slip up and say something about who was dating who, or who I was dating and my dad would always say..." How are you dating them? ooohhh that's my boyfriend and we talk on the phone, but we ain't never went no where....Hmm looks to me like your talking".

He used to get such a kick out of spying on me while I was on the phone! No matter how bad I hated it then, I can't help but laugh when I think about it now!

Well here is one of those poems that I was talking about. Just thought that I would share it! It sounds like a married couple, seriously in love, hard to believe that I was only 15 and had only be with the guy for about 4 months!

I Will Not Cry Tonight


JuiceyMe said...

LOL, I can sooo relate. And the funniest part about it is, I now have a 13 year old daughter and I am the one saying, "you and Scott are going out, huh? Exactly where are you going and who's bike are you taking?" lol she HATES that, I get the typical eye-roll and told I don't understand. (boy if she only KNEW!!)

Thanks for sharing your poem, I have a few old ones like that too. Isn't it amazing how hindsight is 20/20?

Stephanie said...

omg...my dad used to say that too!